ROOVA Digital Alien


Do we do SEO? (Search Engine Optimization)

Partly – Although there are many parts to SEO, we focus on your “Google Business” profile which can greatly increase traffic to your website. We do not do SEO work on your actual website.

How Long Before My Business Ranks Higher?

This differs from business to business as there are various factors that contribute to a higher ranking and some of our clients achieve a “Top 3” ranking within 1-2 weeks. We’ll usually achieve a good result within 1 month, but sometimes a client might have a more negative ranking and these can take 3+ months to repair.

Do We Guarantee A "Top 3" Ranking?

We certainly aim to achieve a “Top 3” ranking for our clients, however we cannot guarantee it on our standard plan due to various factors which are out of our control, ie: The target area and service provided might be highly competitive and other competitors may be implementing larger budgets to obtain higher rankings.

Do We Help Any Business Rank Higher?

We are generally able to achieve successful results for most “service” types of businesses, ie: Real Estate Agents, Rubbish Removals, etc. We do have restaurant clients, however they may require more tailored strategies to achieve higher rankings.

Do We Also Help Competing Businesses?

No, we only accept one “type” of business as a client per target area. ie: We will not accept two Estate Agents as clients targeting the same suburb.

Do We Disclose Who Our Clients Are?

No, our clients are kept confidential. We appreciate that a great marketing plan includes having competitors wondering how you’re generating new leads/ business 😉

What Does It Cost?

Our fees are charged in the local currency of your location, please choose your location and select a plan for the cost.

Do We Work On Fixed-Term Contracts?

No, we pride ourselves on providing value to our clients which in turn keeps them using our service. If you’re unhappy with our results, you can cancel at any time.

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